Extreme SUP & Sand Workout
Our night out on the water was not a typical one for most paddlers around here, the 12 of us left East Pike creek in the search for the perfect workout. No one thought 3 hours would go by so quick! We paddled for a total of 2 hours with frequent stops to do pushups, squats and plank movements on our boards. Everyone was already sore by the time we hit the beach for our sand workout. 5 more Adrenaline Junkies met us at the beach to train with us and boy did everyone ever kick it up hard. An hour of sprints and plyo’s in the sand was just killer. No one would quit and everyone pushed and motivated eachother. This hour on the beach was one I dreamt of for months, rolling up on our SUP boards at the beach to train in the sand barefoot, It really was a dream come true for me.
I am so proud to train this group, they don’t stop until the last second is hollered out to. It’s incredible really as a trainer to have a group like this, who continually test their limits each week.
Check out our video from our workout and join us any Wednesday night for our UnLEash class, it’s always free and we are always in a new location. “Like” us on Facebook to follow where the next UnLeash Drop Point will be and just show up! If your an athlete and serious about your goals and results in your game then this class is just what you need. So Suck it up and come join us!
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